Inform and educate HCPs through podcasts
Client: The Pharmacists Are In
Produce and publish episodes of the podcast "The Pharmacists Are In", the Canadian pharmacists’ guide to expanding and innovating scope of care within the pharmacy profession
Pharmacists and healthcare professionals in general run very tight schedules. This makes podcasts an ideal format to convey information because members of the audience can listen to episodes while they do other things at work or at home, or during their commute or flight. Lampyon created "The Pharmacists Are In", a podcast series guiding pharmacists in revolutionizing their pharmacy practice through discussions on point of care testing and monitoring, counselling strategies and implementing the latest in care best practices. We work hand in hand with John Papastergiou, a Canadian frontline community pharmacist owner, assistant professor at the University of Toronto and University of Waterloo school of pharmacies and an internationally recognized author, speaker, researcher and point of care testing evangelist. Let us know if you have a topic for a future episode!